Build Your Own Rocket Mass Heater 4-DVD Set
This is a video of a workshop made with a handheld camera because people asked for the video. Some commentary and animation have been added to clarify some of the points, but overall, this is still just a video of a workshop made with a handheld camera.
The centerpiece in this series is the rocket mass heater. Possibly the cleanest and most sustainable way to heat a conventional home.
The first DVD is "Fire Science". This is where Ernie and Erica set stuff on fire in all sorts of wacky ways. This is the foundation for understanding how rocket stoves and rocket mass heaters work.
DVD 2 is called "Sneaky Heat". The wood stove built in this DVD is the result of a collection of experiments that led to a rocket mass heater an order of magnitude better than any previous rocket mass heater. For this project we use the core in a portable design. Something that can be taken apart in under an hour, loaded onto a truck, moved and rebuilt in under an hour.
DVD 3 is called "Boom Squish" - named after a series of podcasts where we discuss the dangers and strategies of alternative hot water. Caleb Larson and Ernie work together to talk about how to do this right. Caleb is a professional alternative hot water installer and is very familiar with the explosive properties of steam, flash point and vapor lock.
DVD 4 is called "Hot Rocket". We set out to prove that a few twigs can outperform a huge propane turkey cooker. This is with a J-tube style rocket stoves. Other rocket stoves feature an L-tube style the requires constant manual feeding. This DVD will also have information on some tiny home made cookstoves, and several different pocket rockets.
WARNING! These DVDs use the full beauty of the English language. People that choose to fear words, may suffer from wagging finger, cringing face or time lost due to shaming others into living a smaller life.

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