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Welcome to the Self Reliance Summit!
The Summit Broadcasts October 1st-7th.
You may view the schedule and your free bonuses below.
Please Check Emails for More Details Soon.
Access These Free Bonuses Below as a Thank You for Registering for the Summit

- How to Make Gasoline from Alcohol at Home
(To download the video, RIGHT CLICK the link above with your mouse, then in drop down menu choose Download Linked File, or Save File As, or Save Linked File As) Please reference local laws associated with making alcohol at home.
- How to Create a Home Battery Bank
(To download the audio, RIGHT CLICK the link above with your mouse, then in drop down menu choose Download Linked File, or Save File As, or Save Linked File As)
- Surviving the Blackout of 2003
(To download the ebook, RIGHT CLICK the link above with your mouse, then in drop down menu choose Download Linked File, or Save File As, or Save Linked File As)
- Steven Harris First Aid Class
(To download the audio, RIGHT CLICK the link above with your mouse, then in drop down menu choose Download Linked File, or Save File As, or Save Linked File As)

Meet the Experts and Access their Broadcast Pages by Clicking Each of Their Pictures Below
Marjory Wildcraft
October 1st • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
How to Grow Your Own Food Effectively and Efficiently
In this interview with Marjory Wildcraft you will learn:
- why growing your own food is like printing your own money
- the secret to a green thumb
- the biggest mistake most beginners make, and how to avoid it
- the single best indicator to predict when dramatic changes will occur in your neighborhood.
- 3 steps for getting started today
Matthew Stein
October 1st • 5pm PDT/8pm EDT
When Disaster Strikes: What You Need to Know, Do, and Have on Hand
Emergency prep is like car insurance, you hope you never need it, but if you do, you thank God you were prepared! From pandemic to EMP, superstorms, extended blackouts and systemic collapse, bestselling author Mat Stein lays out how best to prepare for an increasingly unstable future.
Jill Winger
October 2nd • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
Return to Your Roots: How Anyone Can Embrace the Homesteading Lifestyle
Backyard chickens, mason jars, container gardening, dairy animals... The modern-day homesteading movement is on the rise as people feel the urge to return to their roots and enjoy a simpler way of life. In my presentation, I'll share my own story of stumbling upon the lifestyle of modern homesteading, and share how listeners can embrace it for themselves, whether they live in a high-rise apartment or on 100 acres of wide open space.
Steven Harris
October 2nd • 5pm PDT/8pm EDT
Emergency Home Power. More Electricity than you need in a Disaster
I talk about everything energy, how to power your house from your car, how to power it from a generator, how to run the generator off natural gas so you have no fuel storage issues. I talk about how to store fuel for those who must store gasoline. I cover what to power and what not to power in your house so you know what you need and do not need. I cover solar and other methods as well as the things out there you DO NOT want to buy and in depth on the simple things you can buy that will make everything that stopped working because of the power failure, now work because you have a source of electricity.
Mike Adams
October 3rd • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
What most people don't know about self-reliant living and preparedness
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger goes one on one to talk about everything you need to know to be prepared for when disaster hits. He covers the main threats, to items you need to have all the way through survival of any size disaster.
Gerald Celente
October 3rd • 5pm PDT/8pm EDT
The intersection of self-respect and well-being
Not too long ago, American citizens of all races, creeds and colors were a significantly more dignified human species. They were proud of themselves and proud to be Americans. That mega-trend has been reversed. It took more than two generations, but we have come to the point where many Americans — too many — have lost their pride. They don’t respect themselves or their nation. Literally and figuratively, they can hardly stand on their own two feet. Plagued by obesity and other preventable diseases, Americans can barely carry their weight. In the Trends Research Institute's summer edition, we take an in-depth look at this issue - from a diet and nutrition perspective, through a cultural lens, and beyond. My talk will examine this issue and whether this trend will reverse itself.
Doug Simons
October 4th • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
Alternatives to Dentist - How to Prevent and Heal Common Tooth Ailments
Your teeth are alive! We explore tooth health in depth with the focus of how to prevent tooth/gum issues, as well as how to deal with common tooth ailments such as cavities and acute tooth infections. Doug teaches very simple yet powerful techniques in which students learn to empower themselves through personal tooth care.
Laurie Neverman
October 4th • 5pm PDT/8pm EDT
The New Homesteading Movement
Laurie Neverman, creator or Common Sense Homesteading, has a BS in Math/Physics and an MS in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis in Renewable Energy. She is a wife and mother with a passion for natural healing, homesteading and gardening. She and her family live in a Wisconsin Green Built and Energy Star certified home. Her interests also include herbalism, wildcrafting (using weeds for food and medicine), homebrewing and live culture foods.
Paul Wheaton
October 5th • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
Creating Sustainable Food Forests, Building Community, and Staying Warm
Paul Wheaton is the creator of the largest permaculture forum on the internet, permies.com. He has been crowned the "Duke of Permaculture" and also referred to as the "Bad Boy of Permaculture". He has released over 290 podcasts on many permaculture topics ranging from eco-building to frugality to cast iron cookware. He is an Advanced Certified Master Gardener, permaculture design guru, farmer, community leader, and repository of well researched opinions.
David Christopher
October 5th • 5pm PDT/8pm EDT
Emergency Herbal Medicine Storage
Teaching people to know what herbs to store so that they can treat emergency situations that may come up when medications may no longer be available.
Daniel Shrigley
October 6th • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
Survival In A Nut Shell
As with anything in survival it all goes back to basics. Understanding your needs to self-sustain. After you move past and accomplish water, fire, shelter and food. You now need to grow your toolbox. Task simplification comes with the proper tools available by way of fabrication from raw materials.
Sam Coffman
October 7th • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
Sustainable Medicine before, during and after a collapse
Sam Coffman will discuss the effectiveness of herbal medicine as sustainable medicine both in every day life as well as during or after a disaster. Herbal medicine is extremely effective for not many chronic medical conditions but also for acute illness, pandemics and even injuries and infections. Join Sam as he discusses some of the most relevant herbal medicine for practical use, as well as the mentality behind sustainability in medicine whether from the wild or from your garden.
Nicole Telkes
October 7th • 5m PDT/8pm EDT
Weedcrafting: Sustainable and Safe Foraging
As many of us relearn our wild plant medicines, and teach others how to find them and connect with nature, we become stewards and must also protect wild plants. Weedcrafting is a redefinition of WIldcrafting. Weedcrafting is the harvesting of plant material from wild and waste spaces that helps support the native ecosystem and promotes diversity. Weedcrafting a type of wild gardening that looks at the ecology of a place as well as the species of interest and takes into account that the earth cannot sustain unconscious foraging in our wildlands. Weedcrafting is about not only tuning into the wild in yourself, but also looking past our cities at the wildness and weediness making medicinal offerings to us in the most unlikely of places.
Jason Matyas
October 15th • 5m PDT/8pm EDT
What is the Grid? Why and How you Need to Get Off It Now
In this highly acclaimed talk, Jason will discuss the various manifestations of the Grid in modern America, and why you need to take action now to reduce your dependence on it. Millions realize that something is wrong with our modern economy and society, but don't understand how each element works to reduce their freedom, nor what they can do about them to gain more self-reliance and true liberty. Beyond describing the key aspects of the modern system that enslave people, Jason will talk about how the primary solutions are in your hands - not in political action or waiting for a better future - but in taking action now to reduce your dependence and creating the replacement for the modern system that is failing.
Nathan Crane

Host of the Self Reliance Summit
Sam Coffman
October 7th • 12pm PDT/3pm EDT
Sustainable Medicine before, during and after a collapse
Sam Coffman will discuss the effectiveness of herbal medicine as sustainable medicine both in every day life as well as during or after a disaster. Herbal medicine is extremely effective for not many chronic medical conditions but also for acute illness, pandemics and even injuries and infections. Join Sam as he discusses some of the most relevant herbal medicine for practical use, as well as the mentality behind sustainability in medicine whether from the wild or from your garden.
Nicole Telkes
October 7th • 5m PDT/8pm EDT
Weedcrafting: Sustainable and Safe Foraging
As many of us relearn our wild plant medicines, and teach others how to find them and connect with nature, we become stewards and must also protect wild plants. Weedcrafting is a redefinition of WIldcrafting. Weedcrafting is the harvesting of plant material from wild and waste spaces that helps support the native ecosystem and promotes diversity. Weedcrafting a type of wild gardening that looks at the ecology of a place as well as the species of interest and takes into account that the earth cannot sustain unconscious foraging in our wildlands. Weedcrafting is about not only tuning into the wild in yourself, but also looking past our cities at the wildness and weediness making medicinal offerings to us in the most unlikely of places.
Jason Matyas
October 15th • 5m PDT/8pm EDT

What is the Grid? Why and How you Need to Get Off It Now
In this highly acclaimed talk, Jason will discuss the various manifestations of the Grid in modern America, and why you need to take action now to reduce your dependence on it. Millions realize that something is wrong with our modern economy and society, but don't understand how each element works to reduce their freedom, nor what they can do about them to gain more self-reliance and true liberty. Beyond describing the key aspects of the modern system that enslave people, Jason will talk about how the primary solutions are in your hands - not in political action or waiting for a better future - but in taking action now to reduce your dependence and creating the replacement for the modern system that is failing.
Empowering Resources for Mastering the Art and Science of Self Reliance Below