Episode 11: Reverence through Spirituality
I've noticed for quite some time of how our society is supporting lifestyles that are completely unsustainable, but I didn't know what to do about it to create a real and meaningful change.
Our water is being polluted, the air is being filled with poisons, our bodies are being fed toxins, animals are pumped with deadly hormones, and any chance at a truly sustainable future began to seem hopeless to me!
Then one day I decided I would do something about it not only for my children, but for people all over the world.
I decided to travel the country to learn and document a whole systems viewpoint on sustainable living to learn how we might be able to turn this sinking ship around!
That's how The Search for Sustainability documentary series was born.
This series is 12 full length episodes with a bonus 13th mini-episode all created from the 49 interviews I conducted with people from all walks of life.
Nearly 2/3 of all the important, hands-on, life changing information from the 49 episodes could not fit into the 13 episodes, which is why are making all of it available including the audios and transcripts for you to own.
Our mission is to bring this important life-saving information to people who need it most, while at the same time inspiring and educating all of us to learn to make important changes in our lives to create a sustainable future for the next generations.
If you were moved by The Search for Sustainability documentary series and want to bring this empowering wisdom into your home, we are offering the digital version and the physical DVD version available for purchase at a huge discount. They both come with valuable bonuses and are priced at 50% discount for a limited time. See the details below!

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A huge thank you from my family and from The Panacea Community. Your purchase and support makes projects like this possible. Our mission is to continue spreading this important information out to people who need it most and we are deeply grateful and honored to have your support.
Your friend, Nathan Crane